PreFense® Private Consultation Services

PreFense Private Consultation Services

PreFense Private Consultation offers you one-on-one phone/ Zoom guidance on any topic of concern. Topics can include anything from personal and home security to work, travel, child/ school safety, to threatening domestic solutions and the like.

You can sign up for a minimum of one hour and speak directly with one of our advisory panel experts. Your consultation with a qualified team member is completely confidential and affords you guidance tailored specifically for you, your family, home, job, events, and activities.

Click on the “Book Your Consultation” button below and it will take you to a payment page and then prompt you to submit a brief processing form containing the topic(s) you wish to discuss so we can ideally match you with one of our vetted subject matter experts and schedule an appointment for a date and time most convenient for you.

Consultations are $497/hr

The PreFense Private Consultation service helps you identify, analyze, and determine appropriate protective measures for your family, business, home, work or travel. The purpose of this service is to privately address your specific concerns, identify vulnerabilities, evaluate and provide guidance for the prevention, avoidance and mitigation of potential or current threats.

Protective measures reduce the likelihood of known vulnerabilities and threats impacting you, and those you want to protect, help you make
informed decisions based on relevant information, and are integral to any sound risk management effort.

The following are typical examples of a PreFense Private Consultation.

Domestic Travel Safety:

A busy mom contacted us asking about the safest way to load and unload her four kids in and out of the family minivan because she ran the “family taxi” dropping off and picking up her kids all day at multiple locations.

School Safety:

Concerned parents contact us regularly and ask “What questions can I ask of my kid’s school that will assure me of adequate school safety and security?” You have the right to know and our team of experts will help you navigate the patent responses and get real answers.

Critical Incident Management:

Many customers contact us asking “We don’t have a household emergency action plan (EAP) can you help me build one? We have an EAP for work, but not one that has been reviewed by a professional evaluator. May we please review our plan together in detail?”

Foreign Travel Safety:

Given the ever-changing travel conditions and how and where you fly, many business and pleasure travelers contact us about domestic and international travel safety. What are key elements to be aware of on the road like best practices for lodging, air and ground transportation domestically and abroad.

Home Security:

Clients contact us about how they can build or enhance their concentric rings of security to make their home a harder target and cause home invaders to go look for softer targets. What are the recommended concentric rings and what are viable enhancement options to secure my residence and its inhabitants? What are some cost-effective protective measures we can implement right now?

Site Security:

Homeowners contact us and ask questions like: “My husband and I just bought a second home and since we’re not there as much what are the foremost security considerations of which we should be aware? We want to do a digital site security assessment (home, workplace, school, vacation rental, etc.,) so can we do that with Facetime?”

Troubling Domestic Issues:

A non-criminal or non-actionable item may not be a job for the police or a private investigator, but if you still need to manage it, then what’s a recommended action plan? Is there a pressing situation (stalker, antagonist, daughter’s boyfriend, etc., something that is not quite ‘police business’) yet warrants advice from a professional protection expert?